

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

What is the Neutral Zone?

What is the Neutral Zone?

World, politics and the inhibitors are making the only place we call home an unsafe environment. The mind, the opinion, the voice cannot be expressed without thinking of the consequences. A void formed somewhere in the last century that created a monster. A monster that has powers of shame, humility, and fear.  But when and why did it come to this? 

Everything that makes us who we are could be summed up to be a sane"nutcase." We are not so different from each other. Qualities, personalities, and our actions may define our existential being; however, at the core of it all, we are all in the neutral zone. We are human. Do we strive to find the "uniqueness" to separates us from everyone else? Yes. And somewhere in the midst, we lose control of our goal and become that of which we didn't want to become. Perhaps too unique or too much of the same(not much have changed).

The frustration can quickly build up and then the fear kicks in. "Don't voice your opinion!" Each thought should go through a filtration process where it must come alive in mind, processed, sent back up for more thinking and then said. This process can create misunderstanding, which is why it is at its all-time high, while valuable conversations are low. "What" and "who" to say it to limit the vocabulary and conversation. Recalling Plato's The Last days of Socrates, if a valuable discussion arises, then both parties must have their feelings and emotions aside.

Our mind has evolved, and in my opinion, we are regressing ourselves into isolation.  Maybe to the "Caveman" era? It seems as if we are creating sounds, and somehow it gets translated. It's not a rich conversation, but a dull one. If we can't talk to each other, voice our opinions the way we want, then  I am certain, we are going to have a much bigger problem in our hand then being just "unique." The base of it is that if we are all striving to be "unique," then when once we reach it, we are all normal.

Even more, frustrations come to play. "Normal is not OK." What is normal? If someone is unique, then they are regular in their unique way. Sure, thoughts, actions, and feelings change a person, but not the core personality. Then, how come it's not OK? Over time, we want to be different, standard and unique at the same time. The combination that what we are looking for and achieve is not possible.

The neutral zone is the acceptance of all of the above, meshed and practiced 24/7 to make it the norm. Only then will we indeed accept and become who we truly want to be.

Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/xhMTF15IeBw
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