How to deal with stress
You are stressed!
In denial? It's perfectly reasonable. Each of us has an inside mechanism that continuously works to defend from physical and mental attacks. Not realizing it sooner can cause stress to our body and mind. It can become hard to explain since you are not sure of what you are going through yourself. If you try, it becomes gibberish. Those who sympathize with you can't seem to understand this inexplicable, irrational itch.
What is stress?
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Stress as an "a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension."
Two form of stress exists which are intertwined, psychological and physical. By working to alleviate some of the mental pressure, you can minimize the burden that you have put on the physical body. Stress is undeniably one of the sneakiest factors that cause more than just headaches. It can cause severe physical illness such as (WebMD) :
Obesity, Headaches, Gastrointestinal problems and much more. On the psychological standpoint: depression, withdrawal from others and yourself.
How do we get stressed?
Do you remember when you were first stressed? Was it when the job? Realized that you have an exam to pass? Were admitted to school? Started Elementary? Made friends? Realized you had to talk to others?
Photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash
Mind was the first to realize the potential to do much more then it did before. Instead of sitting and playing, it got curious enough to spark up an impassionate drive. To do more, be more, compete more, and get more stuff. Like a squirrel that always hunts for nuts because it never has enough.
The progressive society didn't help to guide the mind either. As years passed, the demand and the drive increased by tenfold. Social settings made competitions amongst each other to need, want and above all, spend more on buying useless things. Forget what your mind and body are complaining, just excel to get more stuff. Society made contingencies to nurture souls that fall into its trap. Let go of your inner sanctum.
When should you realize that you are stressed?
Now! Realize that you are the one that is stressed, and only you can do something about it. Your life is passing by, and you are waiting for something to happen. Don't fall for society's nonsense. What you want to do is what you should do. Acknowledging that you are stressed is the first way to deal with it, and it's just the beginning. You are the scientist and the test subject. Realize those critical moments when you face abnormality.
What to do about stress?
Stress is not going anywhere. You can minimize the dosage you take. Life is stressful, and that is a fact. Make plans so that you don't get stressed. You don't have to raise your blood pressure and decrease your mortality rate. When you sense a discrepancy between your happy self and sad self, change it. The more you are proactive about it, your mind will create a de-stressful environment. For instance, it will take you out of the situation.
SO what?! Don't overlook this. Once more...Don't overlook it!
You probably don't realize this, but you are stressed. Mentally you are overwhelmed with all that is going on inside of you and around you. Life is unfolding for others and not for you, so what? You are going at the pace that you want to go. When you are a child, you didn't care or gave it a thought about growing up to have more stress in your life. So why stress now?
How to stay de-stressed
Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash
Carve time out of your busy schedule to do things that you want to do. Bring your focus and attention to one thing, like exercise or painting, or crafting or reading or writing or photography or sleeping. Keep a mental check. Think of your mind being a mischievous criminal and you are the police. You control what it does and when it does what it does. Only then will you find some solace.
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash